Expensify offers multiple ways to customize how expenses are created in your workspace. In this doc, you’ll learn how to set up and expense basics, distance expenses, and time expenses.
Whether you’re flying solo with your Individual workspace or submitting with a team on your Group workspace, we have settings to support how you use Expensify.
How to manage expense settings in your workspace
Let’s cover the expense basics first! In the following sections, we’ll go through each part of managing expense settings in your workspace.
Controlling cash expenses
A cash expense is any expense created manually or by uploading a receipt for SmartScan; a cash expense does not mean the expense was paid for with cash. The other type of expense you’ll most commonly see is credit card expenses, which means the expenses imported from a credit card or bank connection.
There are four options for cash expenses:
- Reimbursable by default - All cash expenses are reimbursable but can be marked as non-reimbursable as needed.
- Non-reimbursable by default - All cash expenses are non-reimbursable but can be marked as reimbursable as needed.
- Forced always reimbursable - All cash expenses are forced to be reimbursable; they cannot be marked as non-reimbursable.
- Forced always non-reimbursable - All cash expenses are forced to be non-reimbursable; they cannot be marked as reimbursable.
Setting up billable expenses
Billable expenses refer to expenses you or your employees incur that need to be re-billed to a specific client or vendor.
If you need to track expenses for the purpose of billing them to customers, clients, or other departments, billable expenses are supported in both Individual and Group workspaces. Either way, head to Settings > Workspaces > Individual or Group > [Workspace Name] > Expenses.
Under Expense Basics, you can choose the setting that is best for you.
- Disabled means expenses are not allowed to be billable at all.
- Default to billable means expenses will always be billable but can be marked as non-billable as needed.
- Default to non-billable means expenses will always be non-billable but can be marked as billable as needed.
If your Group workspace is connected to Xero, QuickBooks Online, NetSuite, or Sage Intacct, you can export billable expenses to be invoiced to customers. To set this up, go to the Coding tab in the connection configuration settings.
Using eReceipts
eReceipts are full digital replacements of their paper equivalents for purchases of $75 or less.
Click the toggle to your preferred configuration.
- Enabled - All imported credit card expenses in US dollars of $75 or less will have eReceipts in the receipt image.
- Disabled - No expenses will generate an eReceipt.
Note: We will not generate an eReceipt for lodging expenses.
Securing receipt images
Whether you’re sharing your receipts with your accountant, having an auditor review exported expenses, or simply wanting to export to keep a hard copy for yourself, receipt visibility will be an essential consideration.
Under Public Receipt Visibility, you can determine who can view receipts on your workspace.
- Enabled means receipts are viewable by anyone with the URL. They don’t need to be an Expensify user or a workspace member to view receipts.
- Disabled means receipts are viewable by users of Expensify, who would have access to view the receipt in the application. You must be an Expensify user with access to the report a receipt is on and logged into your account to view a receipt image via URL.
Track mileage expenses
Whether using the Individual or Group workspace, you can create distance rates to capture expenses in miles or kilometers.
Preliminary setup steps include:
- Selecting whether you want to capture miles or kilometers,
- Setting the default category to be used on distance expenses,
- Click Add A Mileage Rate to add as many rates as you need,
- Set the reimbursable amount per mile or kilometer.
Note: If a rate is toggled off it is immediately disabled. This means that users are no longer able to select it when creating a new distance expense. If only one rate is available then this rate will be toggled on by default.
Set an hourly rate
Using Expensify you can track time-based expenses to bill your clients at an hourly rate or allow employees to claim an hourly stipend.
Click the toggle under the Time section to enable the feature and set a default hourly rate. After that, you and your users will be able to create time-based expenses from the Expenses page of the account.
Deep dives
What is Concierge Receipt Audit for the Control Plan?
Concierge Receipt Audit is a real-time audit and compliance of receipts submitted by employees and workspace users. Concierge checks every receipt for accuracy and compliance, flagging any expenses that seem fishy before expense reports are even submitted for approval. All risky expenses are highlighted for manual review, leaving you with more control over and visibility into expenses. When a report is submitted and there are risky expenses on it, you will be immediately prompted to review the risky expenses and determine the next steps.
Why you should use Concierge Receipt Audit
- To make sure you don’t miss any risky expenses that need human oversight.
- To avoid needing to manually review all your company receipts.
- It’s included for free with the Control Plan.
- Instead of paying someone to audit your company expenses or being concerned that your expenses might be audited by a government agency.
- It’s easy to use! Concierge will alert you to the risky expense and present it to you in an easy-to-follow review tutorial.
- In addition to the risky expense alerts, Expensify will include a Note with audit details on every report.
Note: If a report has audit alerts on it, you’ll need to Review the report and Accept the alerts before it can be approved.
Tracking tax on mileage expenses
If you’re tracking tax in Expensify you can also track tax on distance expenses. The first step is to enable tax the workspace. You can do this by going to Settings > Workspaces > Individual or Group > [Workspace Name] > Tax.
Once tax is enabled on a workspace level you will see a toggle to Track Tax in the Distance section of the workspace settings. If tax is disabled on the workspace the Track Tax toggle will not display.
When Track Tax is enabled you will need to enter additional information to the rates you have set, this includes the Tax Reclaimable on and Tax Rate fields. With that information, Expensify will work out the correct tax reclaim for each expense.
If you enable tax but don’t select a tax rate or enter a tax reclaimable amount, we will not calculate any tax amount for that rate. If, at any point, you switch the tax rate or enter a different reclaimable portion for an existing distance rate, the mileage rate will need to be re-selected on expenses for the tax amount to update according to the new values.
Note: Expensify won’t automatically track cumulative mileage. If you need to track cumulative mileage per employee, we recommend building a mileage report using our custom export formulas.
Why do I see eReceipts for expenses greater than $75?
An eReceipt is generated for Expensify card purchases of any amount in the following categories: Airlines, Commuter expenses, Gas, Groceries, Mail, Meals, Car rental, Taxis, and Utilities.
Why didn’t my rate get updated with the newest rate guidance by the IRS?
Expensify does not update mileage rates to match the rate provided by the IRS. An admin of the workspace will need to update the rate or create a new rate in the workspace. This is because Expensify has customers worldwide, not just in the United States, and most companies want to communicate the change with employees and control the timing.